Chronological messages to Baha'is worldwide, on particular continents, in specific countries, or attending conferences.


24 November 2009: To the Believers in the Cradle of the Faith

Dearly loved Friends,

News has reached us that, having recently received the Persian translation of the compilation on family life originally released in English in March 2008, you have begun to study its pages and consult on its content. It brings us joy to know that you are giving due attention to a matter of such fundamental importance, and we are moved to share with you a few thoughts in this respect.

The followers of Bahá’u’lláh throughout the world, of every gender, race and ethnicity, are working alongside their friends and colleagues to build a society rooted in justice and characterized by unity—a society in which individuals see their outward differences as a reflection of the beauty and perfection of the multi-hued rose garden of humanity and in which, drawing inspiration from the Divine teachings and applying their God-given talents, they labour confidently to further the progress of an ever-advancing civilization. Bahá’ís consider it a priceless bounty to participate in this momentous enterprise and recognize that its success depends, in no small measure, on the acquisition of high moral standards. The family unit, the nucleus of human society, constitutes a space within which praiseworthy morals and essential capacities must be developed, for the habits and patterns of conduct nurtured in the home are carried into the workplace, into the social and political life of the country, and finally into the arena of international relations.

Among the signs of moral decay in the present social order is the weakening of the spiritual ties that bind the family. Failure within the household to acknowledge the equality of the sexes and to respect the rights of children gives rise to a culture that belittles women and children, condones the imposition of a single will upon others, and opens the way for aggression and violence—first in the family, then at school and work, and eventually in the streets and in society at large. Under such circumstances, the family environment, potentially the ideal milieu for learning the principles of consultation and collective decision making, serves to perpetuate tyranny and oppression in society.


23 June 2009: To the Bahá’ís of Iran

Dearly loved Friends,

With hearts grieved by events unfolding in Iran, we address this letter to you, the steadfast followers of Bahá’u’lláh in that land. To the concern for your safety that has long weighed on us is now added mounting fear for the safety of millions of Iranian men and women, so many of them at the pinnacle of their youth, their vast potentialities yearning to be realized. How rapidly have veils been rent asunder! Cruelty meted out in calculated measures to you and others over the years has been unleashed in the streets of Iran for all humanity to see. No matter what the turn of events, we are confident you will adhere firmly to the fundamental principle of our Faith that strictly prohibits any involvement in partisan political activity by individual Bahá’ís or by Bahá’í institutions. Yet you cannot remain aloof and insensitive to the suffering of your people. Decades of hardship have prepared each of you to stand as a beacon of strength in the circle of your family and friends, your neighbours and acquaintances, radiating hope and compassion to all those in need. Keep alive in your hearts the feeling of confidence that the future of Iran holds bright promise, the certitude that the light of knowledge will inevitably dispel the clouds of ignorance, the conviction that concern for justice will protect the nation from falling prey to calumny, and the belief that love will ultimately conquer hatred and enmity. You have demonstrated in the example of your lives that the proper response to oppression is neither to succumb in resignation nor to take on the characteristics of the oppressor. The victim of oppression can transcend it through an inner strength that shields the soul from bitterness and hatred and which sustains consistent, principled action. May the words of ‘Abdu’lBahá resound: Iran shall become a focal centre of divine splendours. Her darksome soil will become luminous and her land will shine resplendent. You and your compatriots are in our continued prayers.

The Universal House of Justice

(Online Baha’i Reference Library of the Baha’i World Center)


11 June 2009: To the Believers in the Cradle of the Faith

Dearly loved Friends,

Reports reaching the Bahá’í World Centre provide evidence of the radiant spirit with which you are managing the affairs of your community and discharging your spiritual obligations. To sustain and encourage one another, you are consulting in small groups on your individual and collective endeavours, and have called on a few among you to lend assistance to their fellow believers in various matters. We find it fitting indeed that, under the present circumstances, the friends would arise with eagerness in support of one another, giving expression to the words of Bahá’u’lláh: “It ill-beseemeth men to centre all their efforts on their own selves; rather must they ceaselessly strive for the betterment of the lives of one another.” Those who are requested from time to time to render some particular form of service know well that they are not intended to replace the Khádimín. Nor do they see themselves as bearing any responsibility for the personal or collective affairs of the friends. Rather do they consider it their duty as Bahá’ís to sustain their fellow believers and confer with them. They recognize that the effectiveness of their contribution in this regard will depend entirely on the degree of humility they evince. Far from imposing their views on others, they adopt consultation as a mode of operation and assist others in their decision making by encouraging them to do the same.

In your efforts to address community concerns, you would do well to remember, in these days of transition, that it behoves the people of Bahá to place, at all times, their entire trust in the power of Divine assistance and to remain staunchly united, pressing onward, step by step, with enthusiasm and patience. With every stride thus taken, the path forward will become increasingly clear, enabling you to proceed resolutely in the conduct of your affairs. In this way, each of you will find it possible, even in these times, to persevere in your efforts to foster individual spiritual growth, to strengthen the community, and to serve your country and your compatriots.