Chronological messages to Baha'is worldwide, on particular continents, in specific countries, or attending conferences.


2 April 2010: To the Believers in the Cradle of the Faith

Dearly loved Friends,

In our letter to you of 24 November 2009, we addressed the subject of the family and its role in the advancement of civilization, drawing attention to the need to rear children that see their own welfare as inseparable from the welfare of others. While stressing the importance of family solidarity, particularly as it pertains to social progress, we called for caution in this respect, lest devotion to family interests diminish one’s commitment to justice and compassion for all or provide an excuse for perpetuating a harmful mentality of “us and them”. Many, indeed, are the ways in which the family can contribute to the life of society—for example, as an economic unit it can play a significant part in alleviating a variety of problems born of the economic inequalities so prevalent in the world today.

The relative prosperity enjoyed by the Bahá’ís of Iran in the past can be attributed to a culture that lays great emphasis on education and learning and which recognizes as an act of worship the assiduous and honest pursuit of a useful trade or profession, undertaken in the spirit of service. Present social and economic conditions in Iran, combined with the restrictions so unjustly imposed on you in recent years by some authorities, have made it difficult for you to gain access to higher education, to secure steady employment, and to serve the wider community. We take pleasure in knowing that, despite such obstacles, you are striving to pass on to your children the culture which has so distinguished your community. Without doubt, the social and economic development of your nation will require, especially among its younger generations, a fundamental shift in perspective, one that changes the way in which certain essential concepts are viewed—the true purpose of life, the nature of progress, the meaning of true happiness and well-being, and the place that material pursuits should assume in one’s individual and family life. In this light, we are providing in the paragraphs that follow a few comments on the family and its influence on social and economic affairs, in the hope that they will assist you in engaging in constructive dialogue with your compatriots.


21 March 2010: To the Believers in the Cradle of the Faith

Dearly loved Friends,

On this blessed day of Naw-Rúz, our hearts are drawn ever closer to you. This is a happy and joyous season. The fields and meadows are adorned with blossoms, and the air is fragrant with their perfume. In the northern hemisphere, nature stirs with new life, arrayed in spectacular beauty. The world of existence is rejuvenated, and all created things are in a state of motion and change. This is particularly true of the blessed land of Iran—the very envy of paradise—extolled by the beloved Master as a land that “fostereth love”, whose “heavenly meadows teem with sweet herbs and flowers”.

The pure-hearted people of Iran, following a tradition stretching back several thousand years, observe as a national festival this day that marks the commencement of spring. They put aside all grievances from the preceding year and focus their thoughts on loving fellowship. Bahá’ís across the globe, of every nation and ethnicity, likewise celebrate with great jubilation the festival of Naw-Rúz, as explicitly ordained in the Most Holy Book, and regard it as an opportunity to foster friendship and unity among the peoples of the world.

The year now drawing to a close witnessed events so painful and heart-rending, both for you and your compatriots, that it may be difficult for many to share in the joy of this season. But you who have surrendered your hearts to the Blessed Beauty have no doubt of the bright future of Iran. You know well that the world of humanity is ripe with promise and that the agony and suffering, the upheaval and commotion everywhere experienced are but a part of the long and arduous journey towards the unification of humankind and the birth of a global civilization. You, who are so conscious of the need to eschew all forms of prejudice, violence and dissension, who have every confidence in the power of the light of unity to illuminate the world of humanity, who have seen the influence of this power in your own community, can no doubt play a critical role in alleviating the pain and suffering of your fellow citizens.


10 January 2010: To the Believers in the Cradle of the Faith

Dearly loved Friends,

As the date set for the trial of the former members of the Yárán approaches, certain officials have made statements over the past few days claiming that the motive for the arrest of ten friends on 3 January 2010 lay not in their membership in the Bahá’í community but in their involvement in organizing the events that occurred on the day of ‘Áshúrá. The people of Iran—indeed, the people of the world and the community of nations—are familiar with the principles of the Bahá’í Faith, the conduct of its adherents, and the history of its development; they know therefore that such a claim is baseless. All fair-minded people would attest that Bahá’ís, wherever they reside, labour shoulder to shoulder with their compatriots for the progress and prosperity of their nation. Bahá’ís are known to rely on the framework of the law in defence of their own rights as well as those of others. They aspire to the virtues of truthfulness and honesty, eschew violence and conflict, and avoid all manner of partisan politics. Yet, regrettably, those whose inner vision is dimmed by the veils of religious prejudice have conspired to create false accusations so as to provide justification to the Iranian people for their acts of oppression against you, seemingly unaware that such actions ultimately vitiate the perpetrator’s credibility. We take comfort in knowing that you are cognizant of the operation of divine forces. You realize that within His grasp are held the reins of all things. You call on the spiritual powers born of such understanding to transcend enmity and oppression. Staunch and immovable, you have won the admiration of the world as you have continued to discharge your duties with consummate wisdom. Our hearts overflow with love and admiration for each and every one of you. We raise our hands in supplication to Almighty God, beseeching Him to safeguard you and to aid you in promoting the interests of the Cause and in serving your fellow countrymen.

The Universal House of Justice

(Online Baha’i Reference Library of the Baha’i World Center)