Chronological messages to Baha'is worldwide, on particular continents, in specific countries, or attending conferences.


16 January 2001: To the Bahá’ís of the World

Dearly loved Friends,

As we write you this message, the Conference of the Continental Counselors approaches a triumphant conclusion.

For eight days the Counselors from all the continents have consulted on the next phase of the process of entry by troops. While they were meeting during the first five days, 849 members of their Auxiliary Boards from 172 countries were arriving at the Bahá’í World Center and paying their respects at the Holy Shrines in anticipation of the moment when they would all come together in a series of soul-stirring events: ascent of the newly built Terraces on Mount Carmel; circumambulation of the Shrine of the Báb; procession along the Arc path for a visit to the International Teaching Center Building; a devotional ceremony to mark the occupation by the Teaching Center of its permanent seat; and subsequent joint consultations concerning their indispensable role in the Five Year Plan on which the Bahá’í world will embark at Ridván 2001.

The deliberations of the Counselors themselves have been the heart of these stupendous activities. Their consultations have been marked by a combination of sobriety and effervescence that has refined the character of their discussions and illumined understanding. It is clear from the confident atmosphere in which they have conferred that their institution has reached a new stage in its maturation. Even though they function principally as individuals, the Counselors across all Boards have become of one mind. By internalizing and integrating the lessons and experiences of systematization called for in the Four Year Plan, they have indeed been transformed into channels of unified thought. We appreciate that the new height in the evolution of their institution is a reflection, too, of the measure to which, with their wise and constant advice, the Spiritual Assemblies and other institutions of the world community have evolved.


25 December 2000: To the Friends Gathered at the Youth Conference of the Indian Sub-Continent

Dear Bahá’í Friends,

Since the outset of the Four Year Plan we have observed with great pleasure the steadily increasing tempo of activity in the Indian sub-continent and are well aware of the contribution that the youth have made to the advances achieved in recent years. We now see an able corps of devoted youth in each of your countries, touched by the spirit of the Faith and fired by the noble vision enshrined in the Writings, ready to play a significant role in the strengthening of the foundations of Bahá’í communities and in the spiritual regeneration of the society to which they belong.

Developing distinctive Bahá’í communities is a challenge you share with the rest of your fellow believers in that vast and promising region. You need to exert every effort to align your thoughts and actions with the Teachings and become the source of inspiration and encouragement to others. When you come across passive acceptance of the Faith, respond with passion for teaching. When you see compromise of principles in the name of expediency, demonstrate an even greater sense of spiritual discipline. When you notice traces of tendencies that lead to division, show forth your ability to act as builders of unity. Aspire to the station of servitude at His Threshold.

Your national institute programs will help you develop your capabilities of service, which will need to be directed not only to your own communities but to the society around you. The current generation of youth in the region is experiencing social change at a phenomenal rate. This change presents your peers with a host of unprecedented challenges, and the great majority finds itself in a state of utter confusion. Yet among them are many who aspire to create a new society in which justice prevails. Who but you, the dedicated servants of the Blessed Beauty, inspired and moved by His all-embracing vision of the new World Order, can show these youth the direction they seek? In your deliberations you will need to think of ways to attract your fellow youth to the Faith and persuade them to join you in your systematic study of the Teachings so that, galvanized by the same vision that spurs you to action, they can become active participants in your movement. Be assured of our loving prayers in the Holy Shrines that your efforts may be reinforced by the Supreme Concourse.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

The Universal House of Justice

(Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1986-2001)


23 December 2000: To the Friends Gathered at the Seventh ASEAN Youth Conference in Thailand

Dear Bahá’í Friends,

You come together at a time of great promise for the region to which you belong. Each of your national communities made significant achievements during the Four Year Plan, and these are being further consolidated during these critical twelve months. In a few short weeks the Continental Counselors and the Auxiliary Board members will gather in the Holy Land to deliberate on the features of the Five Year Plan to be launched at Riḍván. Your role in this mighty undertaking cannot be overemphasized, and we look to the youth in Southeast Asia with great expectations. You need to continue resolutely on the path of service which you have so brilliantly begun. Through the insights you gain from the study of the Teachings and the capabilities of service that you develop, you can each become a source of inspiration and moral leadership to the masses of youth around you. In your deliberations you will need to devise ways to attract your peers to the Faith and persuade them to join you in your systematic study of institute courses so that, galvanized by the same vision that spurs you to action, they will actively participate in your movement.

Be assured of our loving prayers in the Holy Shrines that your efforts may be reinforced by the Supreme Concourse.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

The Universal House of Justice

(Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1986-2001)