Chronological messages to Baha'is worldwide, on particular continents, in specific countries, or attending conferences.


9 October 1991: Bahá’í International Women's Conference Ile-Ife, Nigeria

Dear Bahá’í Friends,

The contribution of women to social, economic and cultural development is paramount. As the primary educators of children, women must themselves be educated and receive literacy training. As wives and mothers, as members of the professions, as farmers, as stewards of the health and well-being of families, and as members of Bahá’í administrative institutions, women must be welcomed into full partnership with men in consultative decision-making and in guiding the progress of their communities.

We are confident of your ability to set in motion processes of development and patterns of living which, emanating from within the Bahá’í communities, will exert salutary effects on the destiny of nations. Inspired and reinforced by the guidance and life-giving properties of the Word of God, the Bahá’ís of Africa can choose to play a leading role in brightening the fortunes of their entire continent. Be assured of our heartfelt prayers at the Sacred Threshold that this conference will be a center of spiritual illumination inspiring the friends to redouble their efforts towards ensuring the unhampered, systematic involvement of women in the vital work of the Cause.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

The Universal House of Justice

(Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1986-2001)