Chronological messages to Baha'is worldwide, on particular continents, in specific countries, or attending conferences.


15 September 1996: To the Bahá’ís of the World

Dear Bahá’í Friends,

In June 1993 we raised the call for pioneers, both long-term and short-term, and traveling teachers for the Three Year Plan. We are now happy to announce that some 10,600 friends arose to serve the Faith outside the bounds of their homelands during the three years, evoking our admiration and pride. Of particular significance was the number of youth who dedicated periods of service to the Faith.

The Bahá’í world is currently launched upon the Four Year Plan, determined to advance the process of entry by troops. Pioneers and traveling teachers can make significant contributions to the furthering of this aim. Imbued with the spirit of humility, love and detachment, they can reinforce the work of the friends in every land in their efforts to increase the strength and influence of the Bahá’í community by the end of this century. National Spiritual Assemblies will soon be asked to adopt numerical goals for pioneers and traveling teachers to go forth from their countries to serve in the international field. We call upon the believers everywhere to ensure, through their enthusiastic response, that these goals are not only met but surpassed. Information about pioneer needs is contained in a document prepared by the International Teaching Center and is available to you through the agencies of your National Assemblies and through the Auxiliary Board members and their assistants.

The prospect before us as the Plan unfolds is one to thrill every Bahá’í heart; the need of our fellow human beings for the Message of Bahá’u’lláh becomes more urgent day by day; ardent, willing and capable servants of the Cause are required in many lands and for many functions. That His eager followers in every community will arise with devotion, audacity and determination to advance His Cause is the longing of our hearts and the object of our fervent prayers at the Sacred Threshold.

The Universal House of Justice

(Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1986-2001)